A very interesting exhibition called “En jeu ! Les artistes et le sport (1870 – 1930)” takes places at Musée Marmottan Monet until September 1st.
From England, sport spread throughout the 19th century across the European continent and to the United States. Sport was democratized during the second half of the century. Whether one indulges in it for the love of effort or watches it as a spectacle, it interested the masses in search of leisure and free time conquered over paced work and counted productivity. This social transformation movement of the status of sport, which saw sportsmen turn into athletes, caught the attention of artists.
We share with you what we particularly liked about this exhibition.
Duration of the exhibition: about 1 hour
Cost of the exhibition: full price 14 euros and free for children under 7 years old
- Link to buy the ticket : Billetterie Musée Marmottan Monet
Boat races seen by the Impressionists

Painting “match annuel entre la Société nautique de la Marne et le Rowing Club”, from Ferdinand Gueldry.
The painter, a rowing enthusiast, painted rowing races many times. In this annual match between the Marne Nautical Society and the Rowing Club, he shows a jubilant crowd, watching the race from the bridge. A testament to the growing popularity of this sport!
Cycling, a popular sport
Painting “au vélodrome”, from Jean Dominique Antony Metzinger
This cubist painting transcribes the speed and movement of the cyclist. Through transparency effects where the athlete’s head and the crowd of spectators blend together, the painter decomposes movements, multiplies temporalities and perspectives by blurring the plans.

Woman and sport

Painting “Ball game”, by Maurice Denis
Until the beginning of the 20th century, sport was represented by virile and masculine figures. Female representations then took up more space! Canvas by Maurice Denis
Rugby democratization in France
Painting “Rugby match”, by André Lhote
This painting belongs to a series of works where the cubist painter gives his perception of rugby, at a time when this sport is becoming popular in France (first half of the 20th century). The painter is sensitive to the play of forms decomposed by the action and the colourful colours of the outfits, assimilating the players to harlequins clashing in a pyramidal composition crowned by the oval ball thrown into the air like a star.

The word “event” refers to the English origins of this sport
Racist prejudices in sport

Painting “The Young Footballer”, by Angel Zarraga
This portrait of Brazilian footballer Fausto dos Santos was executed during a Parisian stay of the Mexican artist. It is a rare positive representation of a black athlete, at a time when stereotypes and racial prejudice are largely dominant.
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